It is true that once we become adults, we miss the simplicity of childhood. You hear the popular phrase “adulthood is a scam” and realize that all we do now, is work and try to stay alive. For children’s day, we remember the joys of childhood and speak to three creatives about how certain experiences helped nurture their creativity.
Iyesogie Ogieriakhi- Photographer/Visual Artist

Q- Children go through series of career choices as they grow, take us through some of yours & why you eventually settled on photography?
I always thought I would be a doctor so that’s the only thing I actively pursued. Of course, I had new dreams and hobbies every day; magician, musician (even though I cannot hold a note, but I was majorly focused on medicine so I studied physiology for pre-degree. It was when I got to 300 level that I started doubting that choice as I didn’t think I would feel fulfilled in that career. When I graduated, I was still a bit torn and was considering finishing up the degree in medicine when my mum mentioned photography.
Weird right? I was already shooting self-portraits and a couple of friends at that time but didn’t think of it as a career to pursue. Something clicked when she mentioned it though and I thought “YES” so here we are.
Q- Would you say it is getting easier for children to be allowed creative choices as their careers?
Yes definitely. I think society as a whole is generally more accepting of creative careers as opposed to just regarding them as hobbies that will pass with time. Thankfully, I’ve always had the space to do that because my parents are quite open as long as you show workings.
Q- Who is your favorite parent and why?
Please why are you trying to divide my home on this good day? Whoever picks me as their favorite child is the person I pick.
Michael Akinrogunde (AMA Psalmist) – Film Director

Q- What is your earliest memory as a child?
This has been hard to mark as the earliest but riding bicycles with my brother around the compound and putting slippers to act as speed bumps. We used to call it Gbanla-gbanla!
Q- What movie did you watch as a child that piqued your interest in filmmaking? What stood out for you?
My response right now may not be typical because it was not cartoons or anime. It was actually “The gods must be crazy” and “Mr. Bones”. What stood out for me in filmmaking was the simplicity of the stories and how much they made me smile, no matter how many times I watched them.
Q- Who is your favorite parent & why?
I am definitely one of those kids who can’t decide on a favorite parent. I love them too much and they have individual peculiar personalities. I am grateful for them.
Edwin Mdu (Dwin, The Stoic) – Songwriter, Producer

Q- Most musical artistes say their passion for music started from childhood. What is your earliest memory of actually thinking that you are really good at this?
I think it was when I wrote my first (complete) song at 12 years old. It was a very corny song called “Far Away” and I was extremely proud of it.
Q- Your lyrics are mostly deep & emotional. If you were asked to make a song for your unborn child, what would some of the lyrics be?
There is a song I wrote once that I think would be perfect to sing to a child. It is called “What Do They Know”. The words of the chorus go: “You re beauty defined my dear. None holds a light to you. What do they know?”
Q- Who is your favorite parent & why?
LOL. I love them both equally. Don’t put me in trouble.
RADR wishes everyone a Happy Children’s Day, the growth never stops. Children need to be cherished and protected, our hearts go out to the victims of the Texas elementary school shooting. Cheers to generations of creative geniuses, we’ve all got them inside of us.