Valentine’s Day has always been about romantic dynamics, this year, we wanted to highlight and showcase love through the lens of collaboration and creative partnerships. To me, friendships hold the deepest form of love, and what’s better than working on creative projects with friends and creative collaborators. People who love what you love, just as much as you do? I honestly don’t think anything in the world beats that. It’s about going in every day knowing that you have fun, create memories, and simultaneously work on something you love. The process becomes even more exciting.
HOW DOES OUR LOVE FOR COLLABORATION INSPIRE US? In this interview series, we delve into the minds of creatives across platforms to uncover the highlights and valuable lessons learned from working together. Here’s what they had to say.
On Fondest Memories with Collaborators:
For creative collaborations, the destination and the sense of accomplishing a shared goal are often the greatest motivators. However, it’s the experiences along the way that truly make the journey unforgettable. It’s the late nights, the shared anxieties, the holding hands through tough situations, and the tears of hope, all leading to the moment when the plan finally comes together, that’s where the magic happens. These are the memories we cherish most. I can truly relate to this, and I’m excited to share what Jesi, Jeiel, and Jemima of Neptune3 Studio, as well as Sophie and Sophia, the Arotu twins, have to say about their fondest collaborative memories.
Jesi, Jeiel, and Jemima of Neptune3 Studio – Filmmakers.
Jemima: “There are so many moments! But if I had to pick, it would be the time we recorded music for our new album on a trip to Florida. It was a wholesome experience, full of laughter, joy, and, of course, creativity. What made it special was the bond we strengthened as sisters, creators, and human beings.“
Jeiel: “One of my favorite memories is the pre-planning phase for our future projects. The excitement we share while dreaming big together is unmatched. We can spend hours brainstorming, laughing, and pushing each other to be better. It’s one of the best parts of being filmmakers with my sisters.”
Jesi: “There are so many fond moments, but one that stands out is sharing the most significant moments of my life with them, whether it’s in work or in leisure. It brings so much joy.”

The Arotu Twins – Models
Sophie: “The fondest memory of my sister would be every time I see her achieve something she’s worked hard for. Getting an award, landing a job with a brand she’s always admired. Every milestone she hits feels special to me.“
Sophia: “My fondest memory is when we work on projects we’ve always dreamed of together. Seeing our ideas come to life is always a core memory.”
On the Most Encouraging Words Received from Their Collaborators:
We’ve all been there, exhaustion setting in, creative block creeping up, and those moments when we start questioning everything. It’s in these times; the true beauty of partnership and collaboration shines through. The most encouraging words from your collaborator can feel like a gentle reminder and boost to keep going. These words are more than just advice; they’re a push to continue, and a reminder that you’re not alone. Let’s hear from Feyikemi & Simi of the F& S Uncensored Podcast, Jesi, Jeiel, and Jemima of Neptune3 Studio, Hauwa & Tobe of Good, Bad & Wahala Series, Wonu Osikoya & Crayvelli along with Sophie and Sophia, the Arotu twins, about the most encouraging words they’ve received from their collaborators.
Hauwa & Tobe- Producers, Lead Actors Good, Bad & Wahala Film Series
Hauwa: Don’t stop, people will be fine, just keep on doing what you are doing. Don’t listen to the crowd whether they are cheering or booing. Keep on working on what you believe.
Tobe: Everyone will come and go but you will stay with yourself, so make sure you know how you feel. She didn’t just teach me, she made me realize that I didn’t have to be sacrificial with my love, time with others and it was fine to be selfish and put myself first and for that I’m so grateful. It was more of a lesson she will say you need to be at peace with yourself, you need to be happy. It’s not about others and she will ask me how do you feel?
Feyikemi & Simi – Host F&S Uncensored Podcast
Simi: “Consistency is key, don’t give up now. We’re in this together.“
Feyikemi: “Not being afraid to take risks. At first, being on people’s screens wasn’t part of my plan, but thanks to Simi’s encouragement, I took the leap, and now I’m so glad I did.“

Jesi, Jeiel, and Jemima of Neptune3 Studio – Filmmakers.
Jemima – do it! Do it scared, do it messy, but just do it. Stop overthinking, nobody cares the way you think.
Jeiel – Grow tough skin. Take comments on your craft with a grain of salt. What matters is that you’re improving and that you enjoy what you do. Be open to criticism but don’t absorb commentary that’s given with the intention to break you.
Jesi – “Just put it out.” They quench my inhibitions and free me from my fears. It’s so encouraging to know that they’ve got my back no matter the experimental creative era I’m in.
Jemiyo, Toni & Ar4 – Power Puff Creative Collective.
“We’ve all had to encourage each other at different times. The industry can be discouraging for those of us who don’t fit the mainstream, but we always remind each other to stay true to our unique style.”

Wonu Osikoya & Crayvelli – Host Osikoya Speaks & Creative Director, Dj.
Wonu & Crayvelli: “Whenever we talk, we remind each other to stay true to ourselves and our art. Trust yourself—that’s the only way to be a real creative.”
On Influences Picked Up from Collaborators:
You know how lovers start to speak like each other, pick up each other’s mannerisms, and even finish each other’s sentences? Well, the same thing happens with creatives when they collaborate. We had Sophia & Sophie Arotu , Wonu Osikoya & Crayvelli; Jesi, Jeiel, and Jemima of Neptune3 Studio; Hauwa & Tobe Feyikemi & Simi and Jemiyo, Toni & Ar4 – the Power Puff Creative Collective share the subtle ways they’ve been influenced by their creative collaborators and how those influences have shaped their creative journeys.
Jesi, Jeiel, and Jemima of Neptune3 Studio – Filmmakers.
Jeiel – I think definitely due to their influence when I watch films made by other people, I’m now a lot more dissective of not just the acting but now the cinematography, special effects, script writing, dialogue and more cause I’ve seen my sisters deal with those firsthand.
Jesi – It may seem silly or small but I’ve learned to be more level-headed and patient. I might be caught trying to smile more lol.
Jemima – I’m more organized and trendy aka hip (haha). But seriously, my fashion sense and confidence. Also a new sense of exploration; be it new film ideas, fashion, food or music. They are awesome!

Feyikemi & Simi – Host F&S Uncensored Podcast.
Simi: “So many things! Most recently, it’s been gym motivation. Fk encouraged me to finally start working out, and now I feel amazing!
Feyikemi: “I’ve never been comfortable being on camera, but thanks to Simi, I’ve gained the confidence to sit in front of three cameras every Saturday. If not for her, you might never have known what I look like!”
Hauwa & Tobe- Producers, Lead Actors Good, Bad & Wahala Film Series
Hauwa: I like that Tobe as a collaborator takes his craft seriously, there is no amount of money that he won’t spend to refine, improve and work on his craft. Also to make sure that he gets the best results, I have learnt to push myself and use the resources I have to get the results I want. Since I have met him, he has pushed me to dare and that’s the most inspiring.
Tobe; I think one thing I have learnt from Hauwa is to be ruthless with your madness, there is truly no limit to Hauwa’s creativity. She has taught me that I can be anything any day anytime and I love that for her.
The Arotu Twins – Models
Sophie: “Definitely makeup! My sister has always been a makeup guru, and seeing her success has inspired me to take it more seriously. Now I’m getting into it myself!
Sophia: “It’s her drive to never give up, no matter how tough things get. That determination is something I try to carry with me.“

Jemiyo, Toni & Ar4 – Power Puff Creative Collective.
“It’s funny, but we’ve all picked up a lot of the same habits from each other. Right now, we’re all about shortening words. ‘Ebeano’ is now ‘ebs,’ ‘Ikoyi’ is ‘ikz,’ and ‘Osapa’ is just ‘osaps.’ It’s the little things we start doing together.”
Wonu Osikoya & Crayvelli – Host Osikoya Speaks & Creative Director, Dj.
Crayvelli: “Making fun TikToks! Also, creating women’s wear for my brand, Triads. Wonu’s push to try something new for women’s fashion really motivated me to take that step.”
Wonu: “I pay a lot more attention to detail now, thanks to Cray. Watching how he works, how focused he is on even the smallest aspects, has taught me to bring that level of care into my own creative process.”
On the Best Part of Working with Their Collaborators:
I envy those who get to work, make money, and see a vision come to life, all while doing it alongside friends or siblings. There’s something truly special about building with the people you care about. I’m inspired to start starting something with my own friends, so we can experience that bliss of seeing projects and ideas come to life together. Until that happens, though, let’s hear what Hauwa & Tobe, Jemiyo, Toni& Ar4, Wonu& Crayvelli, the Arotu Twins, and Feyikemi & Simi had to say about the best part of working with each other.
Jemiyo, Toni & Ar4 – Power Puff Creative Collective.
“The best part of working together is the simple joy of being with each other, laughing, sharing memories, and making money together. It’s all about the vibes.
Feyikemi & Simi – Host F&S Uncensored Podcast.
Simi: “The best part of working with Simi is that we’re always lifting each other up. We share the same passion and drive for the podcast, so it’s easy for us to stay motivated together.”
Feyikemi: “Exactly! When one of us can’t give 100%, the other always shows up. It’s a great balance, and it makes everything feel more doable.”

Wonu Osikoya & Crayvelli – Host Osikoya Speaks & Creative Director, Dj.
Wonu: “The best part is the creative freedom. Cray and I work so well together because we never rule out any ideas. We vibe, create, and have fun, even when we’re not working—our conversations are always creative and inspiring.”
Crayvelli: “Same here. The best part is being able to bounce ideas off each other and make them work. We just vibe and keep pushing each other. Even when we’re not creating, we still learn and grow through our discussions.”
The Arotu Twins – Models
Sophie: “The best part of working with my sister is that she’s always there for me. When I don’t feel like creating, she picks me up and motivates me to keep going. She’s a constant source of inspiration.”
Sophia: “Having someone to share the journey with makes all the difference. I often wonder how I would have done it on my own, but I’m grateful to have my sister by my side.”

Hauwa & Tobe- Producers, Lead Actors Good, Bad & Wahala Film Series
Hauwa: Working with Tobe is so fun, the series we are currently working on is our series “God bad and Wahala” it’s about two people who got married and they just have a chaotic marital life and the reason I chose Tobe is because he of all the people I have worked with just gets my vision and also fits into the character of the husband . It was an instant fit right away.
Tobe: It’s so exciting when we work together our ideas are flowing, I am saying let’s do this she will say yes, we should, let’s add this and that’s how the whole process goes on. Our ideas just flow when we work together. I always say we are like a ticking time bomb. And she is funny, and she makes me laugh and I love her.
A little note for you:
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is all about celebrating and loving you. I want you to know that I love and appreciate you to the best of my abilities, not just today, but every day moving forward. Thank you for your love, that comes in the form of sharing our content, reading our articles, engaging with our reels, and also, how can I forget those sweet little exchanges in our comment section? Your love and support mean the world to me, and I’m so grateful to have you in our creative journey.